The 2025 EICUG Award

Dear EICUG members,

We are pleased to announce the second Electron-Ion Collider Users Group Award (2025 EICUG Award). This award recognizes outstanding contributions, both from the experimental and theoretical disciplines, as well as contributions about instrumentation, computing or accelerator technologies, to the advance of the EIC project and physics case, documented in various forms.

Candidates will be grouped in three categories:

  • graduate students, or holding a Ph.D. for no more than six months from the submission deadline, excluding career interruptions
  • post-docs, with a maximum of eight years of research experience following the Ph.D. on the submission deadline, excluding career interruptions
  • junior faculties or lab-equivalent positions, with a maximum of six years of research experience as faculty members on the submission deadline, excluding career interruptions; the Selection Committee will evaluate only the work done as faculty members.

There are in total three awards, one for each category.

A CV and 3 letters of recommendation should be submitted to the EICUG Steering Committee ( by May 15th 2025, by a single nominator (other than the candidate) who can be the author of one of the three recommendation letters.

The winners of the 2025 EICUG Award will be officially announced at the 2025 EICUG annual meeting during the award ceremony, where each winner will be invited to give a short presentation on his/her work.

For further details, contact the EICUG Steering Committee Chair-line:

The Selection Committee is formed by the EICUG Steering Committee (see its current composition here).

The list of previous winners of the EICUG Award can be found here).