EICUG Documents
- Zenodo
- EIC Detector Proposals
- Documents by the EIC Community
- Technical Notes
- Public Relations Materials
EICUG is leveraging the world-class, versatile digital repository “Zenodo” hosted by CERN. Zenodo provides extensive indexing and search capabilities, as well as a few tiers of access control. One of its key features is the provision of the Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) under the auspices of the International DOI Foundation. Using these means of persistent identification helps ensure continued discoverability of, and access to the EICUG materials over the long projected period of time of the EIC effort.
EICUG is currently in the process of migrating its collection of documents from legacy platforms and locations, to the Zenodo platform.
EIC Detector Proposals
ATHENA Detector Proposal - A Totally Hermetic Electron Nucleus Apparatus (December 2021)
CORE - a COmpact detectoR for the EIC (December 2021)
ECCE - EIC Comprehensive Chromodynamics Experiment (December 2021)
Documents by the EIC Community
White Paper on the Electron-Ion Collider in Preparation for the NSAC Long Range Plan (January 2023)
The Electron Ion Collider: Exploring the mysteries of the building blocks of matter (October 2022)
The case for two EIC experiments (October 2021)
EIC Yellow Report Executive Summary (April 2021)
EIC Yellow Report (March 2021)
EIC White Paper (2nd edition, December 2014)
Electron Ion Collider Accelerator Science and Technology (European Strategy Update 2018)
Synergies between a U.S.-based EIC and the European research in Particle Physics (2018)
Gluons and the quark sea at high energies: distributions, polarization, tomography (Report on the 2010 INT program on the science case for an Electron-Ion Collider)
Technical Notes
Strategy Document for Silicon Tracking and Vertexing for the EIC (April 2021)
Powering options for an EIC silicon tracker
Accelerator and beam conditions critical for physics and detector simulations for the Electron-Ion Collider