
This is the home page of the Electron-Ion Collider User Group (EICUG). The EICUG consists of more than 1500 physicists from over 300 laboratories and universities from 40 countries around the world.

EICUG members are working together to realize a powerful new facility in the United States with the aim of studying the particles, gluons, which bind all the observable matter in the world around us. This new facility, known as the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), will collide intense beams of spin-polarized electrons with intense beams of both polarized nucleons and unpolarized nuclei from deuterium to uranium. The ePIC Collaboration has been formed around the development of a detector to capture the high-energy scattered particles as well as the low-energy debris as a means to definitively understand how the matter we are all made of is bound together.

The next EICUG annual meeting will be held on 2025, July 14 - 19, at Jefferson Lab (Newport News, Virginia, USA).

The web site is in preparation. Further information will be given later in the First Circular.

List of previous EICUG meetings